Sunday, December 25, 2011

War Horse

This is the last movie out in the theaters that I would choose to go see on Christmas, but as a family we do every year and this year we wanted to make it a special Christmas for our Mother. So since she loves horses and spent her summers on her Uncle's farm in Idaho we went to see War Horse for her.

Thank god we decided to have an unselfish movie experience this year to show her how much we care or I may have missed this extremely human experience. If your think this movie is all about a horse then you need to get off your high horse and go enjoy this unique ride through a human story that crosses generations and country lines in the chaotic times of world war. This is no simple tale of heroism but rather the struggle of humanity in their worst of time to rise up above the moment and be someone better than the majority.

This movie is filled with beautifully arranged cinematography on an epic scale that is worthy of the name Spielberg and the writing will move you through an array of emotions as the War Horse crosses paths with many different characters in the film. Yes, this movie has many great characters with well written dialogue that makes you fall in love with each one of their quirks and you will recognize a score of wonderful character actors that deserve your praise.

Not to give anything away, I will just say that in unusual circumstances it is amazing to see what the human spirit can accomplish once we set aside our childish differences and come together for a simple cause. This movie surprised me pleasantly and I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone. If you can walk out of this movie feeling nothing than you are soulless. This movie stirred me in the deepest sense and made me contemplate the complexity of being a human being. To quote my sister Tina, "It's funny how we worry about treating animals humanly and we can't treat humans with humanity."

Learn something about yourself and go see this movie.

War Horse is the Black Stallion of our time. This movie is a moving story with big heart and lots of character.


Down the Road Show
Executive Producer
K.C. Murdock

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