So I had the chance to have a great conversation with Marilyn Ghigliottia and J.C. Tregarthen as the WonderCon floor was winding down and the over head announcer guy was informing us that they will be closing.....soon.....I don't know.....I wasn't listening to him. We talked about life as a celebrity, comic cons, fans, and a bunch of other topics; but I was fascinated by one thing and really only went over to ask her one question.
"How often do guys come over and quote the famous scene or shout it at you?"
"Oh, 37? All the time." Marilyn Ghigliottia says referring to the famous BJ argument between Dante and Veronica in the 1994 View Askew production of 'Clerks'. "I would never have done that scene if I was worried about it."
As it turns out this is not original way for you to meet her and it is in no way an effective pick up line. So don't get any funny ideas about #38. She has a great sense of humor about it and is very use to it at this point; but don't think you are original if that is your idea of a funny ice breaker.
In 2008 Marilyn was in 'Dead and Gone' and has a haunting effect on the main character. Is he insane or is her ghost haunting him? Watch the movie to find out.
Recently released on DVD was the 2011 release of 'Alien Armageddon' by Neil Johnson. "Not the major blockbuster version", she jokes. The story of a young women who is trying to find her daughter in a city controlled by an invading alien army. Now, I see why she joked after reading the synopsis.
She is a lovely woman and fun to talk to, but doesn't do a lot of conventions. So if you are in Anaheim this weekend then stop by her WonderCon booth to have a chat. She is super gracious and love the fans. "If it wasn't for them we wouldn't do this." she says about the industry.
At the end of the day she wants to spend some quality family time so don't expect her at a con near you too soon. So come see her this weekend and try to come up with a more interesting starter topic then 37.
K.C. Murdock
Executive Producer