Friday, March 16, 2012

You're Not 38

So I had the chance to have a great conversation with Marilyn Ghigliottia and J.C. Tregarthen as the WonderCon floor was winding down and the over head announcer guy was informing us that they will be closing.....soon.....I don't know.....I wasn't listening to him. We talked about life as a celebrity, comic cons, fans, and a bunch of other topics; but I was fascinated by one thing and really only went over to ask her one question.

"How often do guys come over and quote the famous scene or shout it at you?"

"Oh, 37? All the time." Marilyn Ghigliottia says referring to the famous BJ argument between Dante and Veronica in the 1994 View Askew production of 'Clerks'. "I would never have done that scene if I was worried about it."

As it turns out this is not original way for you to meet her and it is in no way an effective pick up line. So don't get any funny ideas about #38. She has a great sense of humor about it and is very use to it at this point; but don't think you are original if that is your idea of a funny ice breaker.

In 2008 Marilyn was in 'Dead and Gone' and has a haunting effect on the main character. Is he insane or is her ghost haunting him? Watch the movie to find out.

Recently released on DVD was the 2011 release of 'Alien Armageddon' by Neil Johnson. "Not the major blockbuster version", she jokes. The story of a young women who is trying to find her daughter in a city controlled by an invading alien army. Now, I see why she joked after reading the synopsis.

She is a lovely woman and fun to talk to, but doesn't do a lot of conventions. So if you are in Anaheim this weekend then stop by her WonderCon booth to have a chat. She is super gracious and love the fans. "If it wasn't for them we wouldn't do this." she says about the industry.

At the end of the day she wants to spend some quality family time so don't expect her at a con near you too soon. So come see her this weekend and try to come up with a more interesting starter topic then 37.

K.C. Murdock
Executive Producer

Thursday, March 15, 2012

85th Oscars set for February 24th 2013

The 85th Annual Academy Awards

Teni Melidonian
March 14, 2012

Beverly Hills, CA – The 85th Academy Awards nominations will be announced on Tuesday, January 15, 2013, and the Oscar® telecast will be presented on Sunday, February 24th.
The ceremony will take place at the Hollywood & Highland Center® in Hollywood, and will be televised live by the ABC Television Network to more than 225 countries.
# # #


Friday, March 2, 2012

Digger T Mesch

"What's a Digger?" Carlos Gallardo (from El Mariachi, Desperado, Once Upon A Time In Mexico)

A Digger is exactly that....a what? I have heard Digger T. Mesch described as: A Singularity, A Hurricane, A Black Hole, Pure Energy, All Heart, and A Powerful Force; and all of these are true. You either get Digger or you don't, but once you do he's a friend for life.

He is that and much more....Toy creating entrepreneur (mini mates) turns director and is bringing his unique energy to Hollywood with his new film "Agent 88". This is just one of his many projects he is currently working on. 

Agent 88 is an energetic action packed assassin film that will show you anything is possible. 

Digger T. Mesch brought in talent from all over the industry for this project starting with writer William O'Neil helping him get his creation onto paper. Then you need a natural with the camera like Joseph M. Setele for the Director of Photography and Jessica Lopez on Steady Cam to keep up with a whirl wind of action. Now you need an awesome cast....Oh he covered that too with (pull up your iMdB app now): Kay D'Arcy, Carlos Gallardo, Ricardo Mamood-Vega, Joseph Gatt, Scott Vance, Damion Poitier, Ryan Martin, and Atticus Todd. You can't stop there though! Now you need some cool cameos from (is your iMdB still open?): Kevin Eastman, Kevin Grevioux, Michael Davis, Jason Charles Miller, Satine Phoenix, and Sankebite Cortez. You may want to take a few minutes to go through all of their history. Now you need a seasoned editor like Andrew Greenbury to mix it all together. The rest of the crew were all professionals with a can do attitude and commitment to long strenuous hours. 

Done? Ok so without giving away to much about It....hmmm....oh yes. 

Agent 88 is the last person you would expect to show up and save the day or does Agent 88 have her own agenda? Only the people that cross paths with her can tell you the big secret behind this special spy and what motivates her; that is only if they survive this highly trained assassin.

Digger T. Mesch has poured his soul into the very making of this awesome project and he is the special sauce that makes this dish so tasty. Give it a try and you'll beg for a bigger helping. (NO MSG)

This short film has all the making of a major motion picture and it's only a matter of time before the whole world discovers the secret behind Agent 88!!!! 

The secret is Digger...oops spoiler!

Digger T. Mesch has only recently moved back to the Los Angeles area from Hong Kong a few years ago and is already making good use of his time. Whether it's one of his many comic books, cartoons, toy products, or movies he is constantly busy. He has fast become the dependable go to for any project that is lacking resources or talent. Most people in the industry like to name drop to rise in the ranks of a conversation and with Digger it is the opposite. You never know who he has just introduced you to in his casual manner. Digger is involved in many projects, in front or behind the camera, because he loves the work and the industry. I think you will love him too. Check out Digger T. Mesch and Dig Deep Productions for all of his amazing projects coming up and the other projects he is attached with. Then you too can answer that age old question....What's a Digger?

In a word "Brilliant!"


Executive Producer
K.C. Murdock
