Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Spring Finales 2011

Smallville has an epic ending filled with Super symbolism.

Say what you will about Smallville and their series finale, but for my money that was perfect. John Schneider is one hell of an actor. Not only he did he pull on my emotional heart strings in the finale, but he kept one really big secret about the finale when we interviewed him and filmed him and Alaina Huffman at the Smallville Panel for Wizard World Anaheim.

He had no problem informing everyone at Wizard World that he would indeed be in the series finale, but (Spoiler alert:) to have to hold back the fact that his character, Jonathan Kent, hands Clark, Tom Welling, the Superman right before his big fight with Darkside must have been killing him. He did everything to make us believe that we would not even see the suit, but would be happy anyway. Or at least that is how I took it. If you think they over did the Superman thing for the finale then you are looking at it all wrong. Before debating whether or not Tom Welling should have worn the suit; you should think about how hard it is to get permission from DC to even show the symbol let alone the suit in it's entirety. Not to mention the score from the Superman Movie franchise is not easy to get permission for either. Instead of focusing on the would've or should've I choose to focus on the congratulations. Congratulations on ten years of fun entertainment.

Congratulations on stringing out the inevitable transformation of Clark Kent to Superman.

Congratulations on superb placement of both an iconic symbol and suit, and for enhancing the mood of the entire Series Finale of WB's Smallville with the epic music that is directly tied to Superman. The score put me over the edge......and yes you were right, John Schneider,.....I stood up in my living room and cheered!!!!!

Thanks WB for a Super run.
Thanks and I will miss you Smallville.

The Chuck season finale has a twist ending with the intersect.

I was worried about the Season Finale of Chuck on NBC. Was it going to be the series or season finale and were they prepared for it to end so suddenly. Suddenly may not be the right word since they have had to fight for every returning season, but I was pleased to go online and find out that they were renewed for one last and Final Season 5. Thank you for that NBC and all the Chuck sponsors.

So the Season 4 Finale of Chuck starts off where the last episode left off: with Sara dying in Chuck's arms at their wedding dinner. As my mom would say,"They just can't seem to catch a break." However, this is Chuck and there is always a twist or two in their storyline, and the finale is no different. In my opinion it was their best wrap up to a season so far, and looking back they wrote it so it could have ended there with all new questions and new adventures on the horizon; but that would have pisses me off and I'm all kinds of excited for next season to see

(Spoiler Alert: ) The Bearded Avenger or M.007 aka Morgan Grimes as the Intrtsect. At least that's what I'm calling him. I'm sure that Zachary, Josh, and the producers will come up with something catchy and witty for next season, but until then I will call him M.007 or The Bearded Avenger. I can't pick one, yet. I loved the fact that Morgan came to and used the Season 2 Finale line from Chuck,"Guys, I know Kung Fu!". Not to mention the,"As You Wish" from the best movie of all time "Princess Bride".

Chuck's writing has always been sly at the homage lines from great movies and sitcoms. Even some of the shots are homage shots to some classic epic scenes. So pay close attention, because I'm sure their Final Season will be jam packed with little shout outs and more homages.

Thank you for the chance to wrap up the series correctly, NBC.
Congratulations on a 5th and Final Season Chuck. It will be a fun year on Chuck and I wait impatiently to see what twists the team will have to deal with next. See ya next season Chuck!

What are you doing to me Fringe?

Besides keeping me glued to the tv for every single second of the season finale. My family is really pissed off right now and I don't blame them. I'm pissed off too, but not for the same reason. Yes I too am mad and anxious to find out about Peter, but not like my sisters and niece for their crush on Joshua Jackson. Now if you want to talk celebrity crush then I'll take Anna Torv. She is so beautiful, but that's beside the point. Where is Peter Bishop? When will he be back? Will he be back? Did he ever exist?

I am left with more questions than answers after that finale than I ever had before. It's like I'm watching LOST all over again, but so much better. Will the two newly merged worlds be able to co-exist? And if there are two parallel universes; then are there more out their? Stands to reason that where there are two there are numerous versions out there. And what else to those bald Observers know that they aren't telling us? And where do they come from? Plus they got involved too so they are crappy observers. More like Involvers. I also wonder which Walter will break first and start this war all over or find another universe with an all new Peter?

Questions and more questions!! Like you I will just have to wait to find out. If you have not been watching Fringe then so yourself a favor and choke down season 1, because after that the show really takes off and you will be forever sucked into the alternate reality that Fringe provides.

Great job Fringe! You are worth the wait. See you next season!

Supernatural takes it super crazy!

There is a new God in town and he means business too. The entire finale was awesome, but the last scene really drives it home. Hate it or love it, but either way it left people debating for days afterward. I loved it. That takes some serious balls to end a season like that. Shaking the foundation of millions of religion's beliefs and posing the question: "What if?" "What if we got a new god?"

We are all screwed is my answer. Castiel may be helping the boys out of some sticky situations in the past, but I don't believe is going to play nice anymore and I'm not sure how fond he is of mortals to begin with. Especially any mortals who don't recognize his ultimate power as the New God. This last season was a wild ride and I am excited to see how things turn out next season.

WB has big brass balls for their direction on Supernatural. Keep shaking the foundation, Supernatural , and let's see what structures crumble to dust.

Supernatural will be back with all new adventures in good and evil for next season with the boys. WB keep them coming!

Those were my favorite season and series Finales for Spring 2011. See some of you next year.

K.C. Murdock
Executive Producer - Down the Road Show
CEO - Murdock Worldwide Entertainment Corporation